When you want certainty, you need Groundsure.

Our location intelligence solutions offer environmental searches and reports with unmatched data quality to provide the most reliable, accurate information.

From £209.88 +VAT


Screening covers contaminated land, flood, ground stability, radon and energy risks for less complex commercial property transactions. Written and reviewed by our in-house team of environmental consultants who can be contacted in the event of a query.

From £386.90 +VAT


Expert Analysis for Commercial Property Transactions – now with ClimateIndex™

From £225 +VAT

Mining Risk Assessment

A Mining Risk Assessment aims to identify mining related ground instability with potential to impact the property valuation.

From £75 +VAT

Metalliferous Mining Search

Our metalliferous mining search is a desktop risk assessment, typically for conveyance purposes or local authority building control requirements which provides an interpretive assessment, based upon records held by Groundsure, as to the considered mining risk from historical mining activity.

From £75 +VAT

Siteguard Climate

Siteguard Climate provides the definitive opinion for valuers on lending security.

From £75 +VAT

Stone Mining Search

Our stone mining search is a desktop risk assessment, typically for conveyance purposes or local authority building control requirements which provides an interpretive assessment, based upon records held by Groundsure, as to the considered mining risk from historical mining activity.

From £117.70 +VAT


Floodview is a comprehensive flood risk search for commercial properties, comprising a fully interpreted flood risk assessment and a view on the likely availability of flood risk insurance for the property.

From £98.80 +VAT

CON29M Official Coal Mining Search Commercial

The Groundsure CON29M Official Coal Mining Search – Commercial brought to you by Groundsure under Law Society license using official Coal Authority data.

From £117.70 +VAT


Planview provides detailed planning application information highlighting likely planning and development changes within the vicinity of the property, information not commonly included in the standard suite of searches.

From £333.90 +VAT

Agricultural Search

The new and improved Agricultural Report

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