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Siteguard Climate

Provides the definitive opinion for valuers on lending security - now with forward climate analysis.

Siteguard Climate has been designed specifically to support Commercial Property Surveyors, by highlighting key environmental and climate risks that could affect their valuation assessment. It is not suitable for solicitors advising property purchasers.

The report highlights factors which are not always visible during their visit to the property. The assessment has been built from our unique experience with some of the top UK’s largest lenders. 

It fully meets the RICS Appraisal and Valuation Standards and provides a tiered risk assessment summary with explicit opinions on environmental liability, loan security risks and potential property value impacts.

It now also includes ClimateIndex™ – our unique climate modelling analysis which provides a rating on the potential physical risks that could affect the asset value up to 30 years in the future.


Key Features:
  • Four-tier environmental risk assessment
  • ClimateIndex™ – Forward climate scenario modelling for flood risk, subsidence & coastal erosion risks
  • Opinion on banking security from an environmental risk perspective
  • Includes transition risk analysis with Energy Performance (EPC) ratings for each building within the boundary
  • Meets full requirements for the RICS Appraisal and Valuation Standards
  • Embedded hyperlinks to help navigation to parts of the report where risks have been identified – making the
    report much easier to use
  • Helps valuers support lender commercial environmental due diligence

*75+VAT (up to 5ha), 5-15ha £129, 15-50ha £200, 50-100ha £292, 100+ha POA. **Reliance: £10m Professional Indemnity Insurance. Can be relied upon by all professional parties within a property transaction, first purchasers / tenants and their advisors. Please refer to Groundsure terms & conditions.

  • RRP From £75 +VAT*
  • Delivery Time <24 hours
  • Reliance £10m**
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