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Your search of “data” found 158 result(s).

Archaeology and Development

In this post Clelia discusses the importance of archaeological heritage and the impact this may have on site or property developments and how Groundsure reports can help you to uncover potential issues. If you have any questions or comments about this article you can contact the commercial team at Archaeology and development Archaeological or historic remains […]

A new environmental search called Avista just launched…

Ana Ansell, Product and Marketing Director here at Groundsure, was the integral driving force behind the launch of our new flagship product Avista. Here she discusses the Avista journey explaining the whys and the whats that went in to its inception and subsequent development. A new environmental searches called Avista just launched… In June, Groundsure launched […]

Environmental fines are on the rise: Are you at risk?

With environmental fines climbing ever higher and frequently making headlines in the last year, it’s key that organisations with interests in financed or leased waste sites understand the current outlook, legal trends and make the right provisions to limit their financial and reputational exposure. Key to this is understanding what is driving environmental fines like […]

Local authorities permitting development in flood prone areas named

Original research by leading environmental data company Groundsure highlights councils approving housing developments on flood plains – even when alternatives appear to be available New research (1) has revealed the top 10 English local authorities that are allowing building in previously undeveloped flood prone areas (2), with the top four being in the South East. […]

Offshore Wind Turbines – How do you install a wind turbine out at sea?

In 2015, 46% of the UK’s electricity was generated by low-carbon sources and renewable energy accounted for 8.3% of total energy consumption (heating, transport and power etc.) (1). The UK has just over 7,000 wind turbines which produce 38 million MWh/p.a., powering an equivalent of 9.6 million homes (2). In 2016, wind power generated 11.5% […]


The process of buying a property has a plethora of considerations resting on the decision to buy or not – Contaminated Land, flooding, radon, planning applications in the area, local energy infrastructure and ground stability should all be factored in. Planning applications such as extensions can easily be scuppered by issues relating to ground stability, […]

Forgotten stations and long lost stops

Have you ever come across a sign saying Station Road but there is no railway station to be seen? Perhaps an old brick bridge in an empty field, or even a platform in the middle of a forest? I have often wondered at theses peculiarities, especially as they provide a tantalising glimpse into a Victorian […]

The Ground Moves Beneath Our Feet

For any homeowner, there is no worse nightmare than their new property collapsing, having been unaware of subsidence potential or underground ground cavities in the area. If you’re looking to purchase a house, it’s vital to understand the impact ground movement can have and the best ways to avoid common pitfalls. Natural ground subsidence is […]

Groundsure Planning Alert

The Groundsure Planning Alert is now live and has been added to existing Groundsure Potential Risks Alert on our ordering platform. Just as our ordering platform will alert you if your property is at potential risk from flooding, ground stability, energy features etc(1) , it will now flag up whether a planning application has been identified […]

Working with water – amphibious houses

In recent years the UK has suffered from a plethora of severe flood events, in areas such as Cumbria, Yorkshire and Somerset1. Unprecedented rainfall and river levels have led to widespread flooding, resulting in large-scale disruption to communities, loss of basic services and long and costly recovery processes1. The recently published National Flood Resilience Review […]