New Mining and Sinkhole data added to Insight Data Packs

We are delighted to announce that, following extensive research with our customers, we have added a comprehensive new set of mining, cavity and sinkhole data to our Enviro and Geo Insight data packs.

The enhancements comprise datasets unique to Groundsure’s extensive mining archive:
- underground mining extents
- researched mining
- historic and recently reported sinkhole incidents
- Mine plans
In addition, we have added authoritative data from the Coal Authority and British Geological Survey (BGS) including:
- The Coal Authority non-coal mining analysis
- BGS National Karst database
Together, it provides a powerful combination of two the country’s largest mining archives for non-coal related mining activity and historic workings and made ground that could identify subsidence issues on site.
The addition follows a detailed engagement with environmental consultants, surveyors and geotechnical engineers earlier in the year on what would be most valuable for additional context on site and land quality appraisal for redevelopment and construction projects.
“Understanding the needs of our clients is the first and most important principle when developing enhancements to our data solutions,” says Dominic Tubb, Product Director. “It was clear from our engagement with a wide range of Insights’ users that there was a gap in non-coal mining data provision.
This is an important consideration on all sites, given that non-coal mining represents a less obvious but more widespread risk than traditional coal mining. More informal, shallow mine workings are often exposed as sinkholes following periods of heavy rain or drought, so upfront information on the presence of these workings is absolutely key to comprehensive site assessment.”
More information, including the product card and sample data reports can be found on our Groundsure Insight and GeoInsight product pages.
Alternatively, contact us and one of our account managers will get in touch to discuss your needs.
Jun 13, 2023
David Kempster