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If we told you that we hold over 8 Million data points about past potential mining activity that could affect land and property – and these were all in addition to coal mining – would that make you take a fresh look at non-coal mining risk to your clients? 

We are delighted to present our latest white paper. It examines the clear and present risks from past mining hazards for minerals other than coal.  It also shows how this impacts on some of the most populous parts of our major cities affecting significantly more households and properties than coal mining. And with climate change driving more extreme rainfall, these often shallow, forgotten mines are starting to show their hand.

Download our Latest White Paper below to find out more.


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    Our market-leading Avista search includes CON29M coal mining and all major non-coal types including Tin, Chalk, Limestone and other Metalliferous and Stone searches – all in one report. For more information, email us at