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Important updates to ClimateIndex™ analysis in reports

Important updates to ClimateIndex™ analysis in reports

We are pleased to announce that following further extensive market testing and feedback, we have made some changes to the presentation of our ClimateIndex™ climate analysis. 

ClimateIndex™ is included automatically in our Homebuyers and Avista residential reports, as well as both of our commercial reports. 

The changes are as follows: 

  • 1 year reporting period removed – this was considered too close to present day to give a tangible difference to current conditions
  • Negligible, Low, Moderate and High ratings have been applied to each of the reported risks – a simpler, clearer way to identify the degree of risk. 
  • Dynamic guidance for the overall ratings has been updated. 
  • New dynamic guidance for each individual peril has been added – so that you can give specific advice to your client on what is driving any risk rating to the property and the possible next steps they may wish to take. 

View the sample reports here.

Download the updated Climate Clauses

We have also updated the supporting climate clauses to reflect the changes in the ratings outcomes. In addition to the next steps guidance, these clauses enable you to signpost any climate risks clearly in order to meet your duty of care and the much anticipated Law Society Guidance on Climate Risk Advice, soon to be published.

View the updated climate clauses here.

If you have any questions about these changes, do not hesitate to contact our customer support team on 01273 257 755 or email


Mar 7, 2023

David Kempster