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Climate Clauses for Property Transactions

Providing Actionable Guidance for your Client


In order to fulfil your duty of care to guide clients, it is important to translate the findings from climate analysis in our environmental searches to actionable advice. We recognise that you cannot predict or explain in detail how the climate could impact your client’s investment in the future, but you need consistent and robust language that enables you to signpost next actions if a potential issue is highlighted.

We have created these climate clauses for property transactions below for you to copy and paste into your documents, for example the client advisory or the report on title to the lender. Simply download the clauses and copy and paste into your own documents.

Commercial Client Care Paragraphs


Commercial transactions can be complex and there are many variables in play. Following detailed feedback from commercial fee earners, Knowledge and Professional Support Lawyers, we have developed a number of options for you to insert into your client advice.

Please download the clauses and copy and paste into your documents as needed.


Residential Client Care Paragraphs


If the ClimateIndex analysis module has identified a potential forward climate risk to your client’s property, it is important that you are able to effective signpost next steps for your client to make more enquiries.

We have provided these Client Care paragraphs to help you. Please download the clauses and copy and paste into your documents as needed.


Commercial & Residential Client Care Paragraphs


For firms requiring both residential and commercial property transaction climate clauses in a single document.

Please download the clauses and copy and paste into your documents as needed.


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